ADHD Notice

Notice for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity (ADHD) Disorder Treatment

Due to the overwhelming substance abuse in our communities, the following policy has been put into place to protect you, the patient. 

During your first appointment, you will receive a psychiatric evaluation. If criteria for ADHD is met, you will be referred to a neuropsychologist for further review and recommendations. You are welcome to see a neuropsychologist before your first appointment so that you can bring your evaluation with you.  

You can expect to be treated with a non-stimulant until neuropsychological records are received.

You will be required to take a urine drug screen before starting a stimulant and you will be drug screened at least once a year on a random basis and as needed. Once you receive an order for a drug screen, you will be required to complete it within 24 hours. If you do not complete it within 24 hours, it will be considered positive, and no stimulants will be prescribed. Any positive drug screen for any controlled substance that is not documented will result in losing your stimulant prescription. 

There is no exception for early refills. This includes a destroyed or lost prescription. You will be required to come for an office visit for all dose adjustments. None will be done via portal, phone call, email, etc. This appointment must be done via video and not phone. 

Titration (increasing dose) may be required, and you will need to have an office visit for this. 

Until a patient reaches a steady dose you may need weekly, biweekly, or monthly appointments until that stead state is achieved. These are not optional. 

Once a steady state is reached in CHILDREN (AGE 6-18), you will need to be seen via video appointment at least every 2 months. 

Once a steady stated is reached in ADULTS, (AGE 19+) you will be required to be seen at least every 3 months. 

"I was very impressed with my first visit and she really took the time to listen to my problems and offer some solutions for us to try!"
A mental health disorder is not merely a diagnosis. It is a condition to be delicately treated for your overall best health. Tele-Mental Health is a great way to be able to stay in your community and still receive quality confidential services. Caprock Alliance for Mental Wellness is committed to delivering the highest quality of mental health services in the Texas region through our award-winning mental health providers.
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